Writing an Effective Resume
If it has been a while since you last sought work, you need to have the latest information on how to write an effective resume. Technology has changed! The job search has changed! And so has the resume.
Your resume needs to be clean, simple, to-the-point and targeted to the job.
Use Times New Roman or similar professional-looking font. And keep the resume to no more than three pages and use an 11 and 12-point font as easier to read.
Resume Topper
Center your name at the top of the page in a larger size point; 14 to 16. On the next three lines, in smaller type, is your address, phone number, cell phone number and email address.
It is considered inappropriate to use personal pronouns such as ˜I, me, my”.
Qualification Summary
This is the most important part of the resume. It’s your chance to market yourself! Employers quick-scan to see if your qualifications match their needs. It could mean the difference between being called for an interview or having your resume tossed.
Education, Licenses, Certifications
The education heading should follow your qualifications heading unless your experience outweighs your education. Put all degrees, licenses and certifications in reverse chronological order. List your degree, then course of study followed by the year you graduated and the school name and location. Include professional licenses and certifications with a double space after your last degree. Do NOT leave off dates!
Professional Experience
List your employer’s name followed by city and state. Cap but do not bold employer’s name, city and state in normal type. On the next line describe your facility or organization. On the next line describe your facility or organization. The next line is your job title, in normal type and bond, followed by a comma and date of employment not bold. Do NOT ‘right justify’ dates. Different computers have different margins.
Bullets and bold scan nothing else does (no lines, underlining or parenthesis).
Use bullet points, not paragraphs, to describe accomplishments with outcomes.
No one has the time to work their way through a paragraph. They just don’t read it!
Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments.
Use a Thesaurus! Remember a resume is not an exercise in grammar. It is comprised of action statements describing your accomplishments and outcomes. Use as many numbers and percentages as possible to quantify your accomplishments. Numbers jump out at the reader.
What is your strongest skill | accomplishment?
This is your first bullet point. Your next strongest skill is your next bullet and so on.
Avoid the word ‘responsible’ like the plague. It is the most overused word on a resume and in most cases totally superfluous.
Your wording is most important. Try to target strengths that the potential employer is seeking.
Don’t forget to past tense all prior positions | accomplishments other than your present position. Failure to do so may also result in your resume being tossed.
DO NOT leave early experience off a resume no matter what anyone tells you! It is lying by omission and will catch up to you. You need to list all employment and jobs with dates. It’s on all application forms and background checks are done on everyone today.
When you have finished your resume, have someone else proofread it. You need someone to look at it with fresh eyes. The first thing they should check is your phone numbers and address. We all know information but often transpose numbers. Check for typos. If you have a resume with typos, chances are your resume is not going to make the cut
The resume is your marketing tool. Paint a good picture of yourself!
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